
Paris to deploy 6,800 police officers for Euro 2016 final

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Strong security measures have been put in place by Parisian authorities for Sunday's Euro 2016 final in Paris, with a total of 6,800 police officers on duty.

The officers will be spread between the stadium, fanzones and the Champs Elysees before, during and after the showpiece matchup between France and Portugal.

The Stade de France in the northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis will be patrolled by around 1,300 gendarmes and police officers, while 3,400 will be stationed in the Champs Elysees area, where fans of either Portugal or France are expected to congregate for victory celebrations.

Fanzones set up near the Eiffel Tower will be under the watchful eye of security forces too, and 700 officers have been assigned to ensure there are no incidents on the public transport system, according to Paris prefect Michel Cadot.

Unlike the case of France's 1998 World Cup victory, police will not cut off traffic on the Champs Elysees in the event of a win for the tournament hosts.

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